CODEBAS: Leaders in the road freight transport sector

  • Codebas is a transport cooperative founded in A Coruña in 1965 and registered in the Cooperatives Register of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. Since 2002, our scope of application has changed from regional to national.


  • Codebas was established more than 50 years ago and during this time we have been consolidating our position within the freight transport sector through the experience gained during years of collaboration with our customers.

  • We currently have 50 transport partners and a fleet of 54 vehicles. We also have a 50% shareholding in Marexada Oil S.L., a fuel supply company, which enables us to reduce the main cost of the haulier's activity by being able to buy diesel directly from the main oil companies, thus obtaining the best prices for our members. We also have a laundry service for the fleet of our cooperative members.

Quality and environment

  • Our commitment is to respond with the highest level of service efficiency to all segments of transport customers, both SMEs and large companies. At CODEBAS we comply with the requirements of certifications and regulations demanded by organisations and clients, with special attention to quality, environment, road safety and occupational risk prevention.

We have the following management systems certified by AENOR

Certifications and Standardisation

  • Quality management system in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 Standard.

  • Environmental management system in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2004 standard.

  • Occupational Health and Safety Management System in accordance with ISO 45001:2018 specification.

  • ISO 39001:2012 compliant road safety system

  • CODEBAS is certified by AENOR and has studied the CO2-eq. emission generated per transport service unit for different clients (Repsol, Bioetanol Galicia, ...) in accordance with the requirements of PAS 2050:2011.

  • In 2023 we have been assessed in SQAS (SAFETY AND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM), a common methodology for the whole of Europe that allows the evaluation of the safety, environmental management and quality levels of Distributors, Stockists, Transporters and Chemical Tank Washers.

  • Companies in the chemical sector take SQAS audits as a reference in customer-supplier relations and make their procurements on the basis of these audits.

Committed to quality, safety, the environment and fundamental rights

  • We participate in the Spanish Global Compact Network supporting the ten principles of the Global Compact concerning human rights, labour rights, environment and anti-corruption.

  • We currently have 50 transport partners and a fleet of 54 vehicles. We also have a 50% shareholding in Marexada Oil S.L., a fuel supply company, which enables us to reduce the main cost of the haulier's activity by being able to buy diesel directly from the main oil companies, thus obtaining the best prices for our members. We also have a laundry service for the fleet of our cooperative members.